For the past coupe of days I've had a massive appetite.. so big, that when Oli visited this weekend we ended up at McDonald's drive-in, just two hours after we'd eaten dinner at home, to pick up a nugget team box. And a cheeseburger...
It was good.
And now it's half past 11 and I should be sleeping.. But noooo, my stomach is growling like the lead from Korn.. Fuuu-
On that note I figure I should tell you more about my weekend?
On Wednesday I visited Marie-Louise for good company, pizza (eaten on the floor like a baws), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Assasins Creed Relevations, Batman: Arkham City, and a real nice evening <3
Thursday I was home alone, and literally passed out at 7PM and slept till 11 when Oli called, worried that I didn't answer his texts. And then I couldn't fall asleep again, just great huh?
Oli came over Friday. He arrived by train at 15.09, and I picked him up in a similar outfit to what I'll be wearing to batman live next weekend, but I won't tell you what that is just yet ;)
Then we did the McD trip, and Got beaten by Dad and Marianne in Trivial Persuit~
Saturday we spend all day in bed, before rushing out to see Marie-Louise win a prize for her work in school<3 you go girl !! After that we went home to eat all three of us, and left from there to the Chibi Kita event of the month "Move your body". So good to finally move a bit again!! I need kinect at home!! I just do!! Just Dance is seriously so entertaining<3
There wen was a Sentai dance which made Oli real happy, being the feel he is ~
Sunday I was supposed to do homework. I didn't.
Then Oli got sick the poor guy, and grot me up most of the night because of it, so we missed my only lesson Monday morning.. Not a big loss, but still.. Around 5 Oli had to go back home.
I really wished we lived closer together..
For next week my goal is to get my TOK essay, Danish essay, and half the World Literature Assignment done
And that's pretty much it~
Here's some cosplays I hope to get done some time before the ending og 2013 ~
Chikara's Blog
Om alt hvad jeg går og foretager mig ;3 når altså jeg har tid.. The language may vary!
Jan 17, 2012
17/01/2012 - y I b so hungry?!
Daily life,
Svenstrup J Svenstrup J
Jan 12, 2012
01/01/2012 - A New Year, a new Blog
For the past 11months I've been neglecting this blog, and now it's time to change that!!
I've decided that I WILL update this blog at least once every 14th day, starting today :D
So why don't we start with an update about what has happened to me in 2011?
In February the most amazing new series started - Young Justice, a show about teenage heroes/sidekicks, who in their struggle for recognition and approval from their mentors form a team. Eventually the team works as a covert team for the Justice League under Batman's command.
I immediately agreed with myself that I would totally cosplay both Kid Flash, Artemis and Robin, and I was certain that no one would make a YJ cosplay until j-popcon, at least not in Europe where the show hasn't aired yet.
I was wrong. At Okashiicon, after annoying Astrid with my fan girling all the way to Malmö, I died. The most amazing group ever!! A Young Justice group!! Missing Artemis, but a YJ group non the less!
After me freaking out for a while, Sascha talked me into getting a
picture with them (thank you!!!) and after that I became friends with them pretty fast.
Their Robin's name was Lovisa, and she was the sweetest thing I'd ever seen.. Needless to say, as time went by we talked more and more over the internet, and I fell for her. Took her a while longer though, but in the end we ended up together in May..
However, things weren't as peachy as I thought they'd be and around August I broke up... We still talk from time time but not much...
That's one romance that started with Young Justice, and as if I hadn't learned my lesson, here comes another!!
After deciding I wanted to cosplay Robin, I started looking for other cosplays of him, just to get an idea of how I should do mine. Especially the mask was a mystery to me, so when I found a cosplayer with a really pretty mask I was do exited you wouldn't believe it!! The cosplayer was Oli a overly nice guy, who I found a bit creepy when he offered to show me how the mask was made. I'm so happy I didn't just cut all contact then, cause as we continued to talk on msn, Facebook and eventually Skype, I started to like him more and more.. Maybe a bit too much by the end of September. But I didn't tell him that just yet.
I told him around the fall vacation, about a week before we were going tower for the first time and see Batman live!!! (A FANTASTISK SHOW IM GOING TO SEE AGAIN IN 14 DAYS!!)
It felt like my first date... Like seriously... I was so giddy and I do not even! But Oli was amazing and after spending all day with him, right as the second act was about to begin, I just couldn't help myself and kissed him. All of my blushes! <3
We agreed (I told him) that I just needed time to think it over before I was certain that this was what I wanted, and that I was going to make up my mind for J-popcon and tell him then... That was not how it went down. We couldn't wait so he visited me the first week of November and all worries were thrown to the wing and we've been going out since <3 yaydisgustingnewlove woo!
That was the romantic 2011
What bout studying 2011?
Well in still in IB so nothing new there..
Here's what I did my bigger assignments on:
Business & Management internal assessment (IA) : DC relaunch
Extended Essay - Visual Arts: how has comic books evolved in the past 70 years, with focus on the Batman franchise?
... And then I'm doing my TOK essay as well as my English A1 world literature assignment right now! Wee!
I just got a 5 in my oral Danish exam, and together with my grade from last year that could mean a stunning 6 on my diploma !!!!!
In newer news:
And Oli gave me flowers last time I visited him <3
Have some pictures
I've decided that I WILL update this blog at least once every 14th day, starting today :D
So why don't we start with an update about what has happened to me in 2011?
In February the most amazing new series started - Young Justice, a show about teenage heroes/sidekicks, who in their struggle for recognition and approval from their mentors form a team. Eventually the team works as a covert team for the Justice League under Batman's command.
I immediately agreed with myself that I would totally cosplay both Kid Flash, Artemis and Robin, and I was certain that no one would make a YJ cosplay until j-popcon, at least not in Europe where the show hasn't aired yet.
I was wrong. At Okashiicon, after annoying Astrid with my fan girling all the way to Malmö, I died. The most amazing group ever!! A Young Justice group!! Missing Artemis, but a YJ group non the less!
After me freaking out for a while, Sascha talked me into getting a
picture with them (thank you!!!) and after that I became friends with them pretty fast.
Their Robin's name was Lovisa, and she was the sweetest thing I'd ever seen.. Needless to say, as time went by we talked more and more over the internet, and I fell for her. Took her a while longer though, but in the end we ended up together in May..
However, things weren't as peachy as I thought they'd be and around August I broke up... We still talk from time time but not much...
That's one romance that started with Young Justice, and as if I hadn't learned my lesson, here comes another!!
After deciding I wanted to cosplay Robin, I started looking for other cosplays of him, just to get an idea of how I should do mine. Especially the mask was a mystery to me, so when I found a cosplayer with a really pretty mask I was do exited you wouldn't believe it!! The cosplayer was Oli a overly nice guy, who I found a bit creepy when he offered to show me how the mask was made. I'm so happy I didn't just cut all contact then, cause as we continued to talk on msn, Facebook and eventually Skype, I started to like him more and more.. Maybe a bit too much by the end of September. But I didn't tell him that just yet.
I told him around the fall vacation, about a week before we were going tower for the first time and see Batman live!!! (A FANTASTISK SHOW IM GOING TO SEE AGAIN IN 14 DAYS!!)
It felt like my first date... Like seriously... I was so giddy and I do not even! But Oli was amazing and after spending all day with him, right as the second act was about to begin, I just couldn't help myself and kissed him. All of my blushes! <3
We agreed (I told him) that I just needed time to think it over before I was certain that this was what I wanted, and that I was going to make up my mind for J-popcon and tell him then... That was not how it went down. We couldn't wait so he visited me the first week of November and all worries were thrown to the wing and we've been going out since <3 yaydisgustingnewlove woo!
That was the romantic 2011
What bout studying 2011?
Well in still in IB so nothing new there..
Here's what I did my bigger assignments on:
Business & Management internal assessment (IA) : DC relaunch
Extended Essay - Visual Arts: how has comic books evolved in the past 70 years, with focus on the Batman franchise?
... And then I'm doing my TOK essay as well as my English A1 world literature assignment right now! Wee!
I just got a 5 in my oral Danish exam, and together with my grade from last year that could mean a stunning 6 on my diploma !!!!!
In newer news:
And Oli gave me flowers last time I visited him <3
Have some pictures
Jan 30, 2011
30/01/2011 - contact lenses and other fun
Det første af ugen blev tilbragt ude ved min mor, hvor jeg normalt kun bor hver anden weekend, men da der har været knas mellem hende og min søster, blev jeg der ude til onsdag.
Jeg mener det var mandag vi tog i Ikea min mor og jeg, hvor jeg tilfældigvis faldt over disse søde cupcake dimser <3 og dem måtte jeg jo eje?
Onsdag havde jeg en mundtlig eksamen i dansk. Den tæller 15 % af min endelige karakter, altså den der kommer til at stå på mit eksamens bevis. Det passer mig helt fint, da jeg fik et super nice IB-topkarakter 7tal!!!!!!! super awesome-sause.
Derfor blev det goså hurtigt bestemt at onsdagens "efter-eksamen"-party skulle foregå hjemme ved min far. Vi havde torsdag fri for at går til Uddannelsesmesse inde op Aalborg Kongres og Kultur Center (hvilket ingen af os gjorde), så vi blev oppe læææænge og drak øller, og spillede Kinect! Hvilket er som skabt til fester! Det er en virkelig god partymaker, den slår faktsik sing star \(o.O)/
Desuden kunne jeg virkelig godt lide alle karakterene deri <3 uuuhhh... det er synd jeg ikke kan danse, de ville være perfekte til et cosplay show, med sådan en medly med alle karaktene's sange *3*
Jeg havde både bestilt lille og blå, og det fik jeg jo så også. pakken var her inden for 10 dage, super hurtigt som lovet på lens-circle hjemmesiden <3
de blå (også på billedet til højre) |
Det eneste der måske kan sættes en finger på er at de lilla er en smule for gennemsigtige, så de virker egentlig mere mystiske en faktisk lilla, og det gør mig lidt trist *sadface* tilgæld, kan jeg godt lide den "mystisk"-effekt de har, heldigt heldigt.
De begge er fra Super nudy serien fra GEO, og jeg ELSKER den effect de har på mine øjne.
Faktisk havde jeg de lilla på i skole i fredags, dvs jeg tog dem på kl 7 om morgenen og tog dem af igen ca kl 9 om aftenen. Det, mine damer og herre, er 14 timer med linser, hvor de hverken klør, tørrer ud eller på anden måde irritere!
og idag har jeg været inde for at hjælpe en veninde med at flytte ind i en ny lejlighed. problemet var at først så glemte jeg indflyttergaven, en potteplante fra Bilka, så jeg blev nødt til at købe nogle øl på vejen. Der efter havde hun givet mig navnet på en vej der ikke eksisterede, så jeg vandrede rundt i Nørresundby i 1½ time, fordi jeg nægtede at gå hjem. suk, min stædighed bliver døden af mine små stakkels tæer!
Det skal lige tilføjes at alt dette skete iført over-alls og en PARIS hættetrøje, rottehaler og så ellers bare ingen make-up, så jeg var rigtig lækker xD
vi ses snart vil en ny update <3
bye lovelies ~
Jan 16, 2011
I fredags var jeg så uheldig at være inviteret til to fester, en 18års med klassen eller en alene hjemme fest med en af mine bedste og ældste veninder.
Jeg endte op hos min veninde, og selvom jeg ikke har fortrudt det, tror jeg der var mere party i den anden fest. Hos min veninde var vi mere crazy-druk/musik-chill, en super aften :D
høhø, jeg ser vist lidt sur ud xD |
Så har jeg desuden farvet mit hår, ganske vist kun med en af de der farvebomber, så det skal have tredje gang i morgen (y). Det er lilla i spidserne, hvor det stadig er affarvet, og brun/marhoni-lilla i toppen/bunden hvad du nu vil kalde det. Jeg er super tilfreds!
Af en eller anden årsag booster det altid mit selvværd og selvtillid at farve mit hår. Har I nogensinde den følelse? Måske er det fordi mit indre jeg har en eller anden crazy fucked-up hårfarve, hvem ved? Måske er mini mig faktisk den for sygeste Chibi man xD (random comment is random)
Ud over den over nice hårfarvning, så har jeg både bestilt wig(s) til cosplay OG MINE FØRSTE CIRCLE LENSES!!! Det er så vildt! Fik en mail i dag, at nu er de shippet, så nu skal de bare komme!
Det er GEO Nudy Super Size jeg har bestilt i blå og lilla via PinkyParadise :D
Tak til alle de søde mennesker der hjalp mig med at finde en pålidelig sælger <3 (specielt Sascha og Mie da de gav mig en del gode råd, fx youtube reviews )
Det er GEO Nudy Super Size jeg har bestilt i blå og lilla via PinkyParadise :D
Tak til alle de søde mennesker der hjalp mig med at finde en pålidelig sælger <3 (specielt Sascha og Mie da de gav mig en del gode råd, fx youtube reviews )
Jeg har også været rigtig produktiv med min wacom, og i billedkunst går det vildt hurtigt med temaet ”Identitet” hvor vi skal skrive om os selv og hvad vi står for. Jeg har valgt at blande Japansk popkultur ind i mixen, så der kommer nogle cosplay billeder af mig (de skal selv manipuleres, evt. fusioneres med et faktisk manga billede), J-fashion outfit billeder, og en masse random crap jeg kan putte ind bare fordi jeg kan.
Det fede er jo, at jeg skal skrive om hver creation. Forklare om det, skrive tankerne bag det ned, I ved, ”udvide min horisont” xD, Derfor er det jo herre cool at jeg bare kan ævle om J-fash, manga, anime, cosplay, Ja, jeg ævlede så meget på første side at jeg var nødt til at lave en liste med gloser at skrive ind også <3
Og til sidst: et kæmpe achievement for mig. Jeg har ENDELIG fået pakket den sidste kasse ud fra da jeg fik lavet om på mit værelse! Her er så fint og nydeligt nu. Jeg kan se min Domo-kun i mit hjørne.
~love ya, vi snakkes
Jan 1, 2011
01/01/2011 - A follow up
Okay! SO, I had a great night last night, and everything was just really nice!
I won't tell everything here, but I started at a classmate's and ended up at a friend's friend's house ;D
And, Pictures or it didn't happen!
So I just want to say happy new year to you all! let's do our best in 2011 too!
I won't tell everything here, but I started at a classmate's and ended up at a friend's friend's house ;D
And, Pictures or it didn't happen!
Outfit. dress from H&M, Boots from Bianco |
Make-up which I was totally satisfied with Woop! |
So I just want to say happy new year to you all! let's do our best in 2011 too!
Edit: Fuck dig Sabrina! Du ved jeg er dårlig til det med at huske at der har været årsskifte xD
Dec 31, 2010
31/12/2010 - New Years eve
The last day of the passing year has finally come, and therefore I feel like I need to do a final update here on my poorly held blog ;D
I wanna say sorry for not uploading as often as I should have. I will try to make that better in the new year!
On the 24th I was so fortunate that my DeviantWEAR order had arrived and I just had to try them instantly! Go I love them! “Creative Juice” T-shirt and “Deviant” hoodie for ever!
I finished my White skirt too. It looks really cute!
I finished my White skirt too. It looks really cute!
For Christmas I got a Wacom Intous 4 from my dad! I was so happy, still am! But sadly it won’t arrive until the 3rd of January, which makes me a little mad taking that they said right after the Christmas days. Hrmf. Oh well, nothing to do but wait I guess.
It was a buisy time between Christmas and new years eve, but I did manage to have a nerd-off with a bunch of friends. We watched TMNT, PowerRangers, Hulk VS Wolverine, Hulk VS Thor, Batman forever: return of the Joker and DR. WHO! Omg! I need to watch more Dr.Who! he’s just soooo charming man!
dr. Who was btw, enjoyed accompanied by a fine glass of White wine I got for my B-day! Very delicious :D
dr. Who was btw, enjoyed accompanied by a fine glass of White wine I got for my B-day! Very delicious :D
I also had a shopping day with my dear Friend from LA - Caroline :D she was in my class last year, and returned to celebrate Christmas with her Danish family!
And as we were shopping oh so joyfully, we discovered a SALE!! WOOO!! On SHOES!! WOO!! FROM BIANCO!! WOOOO!!! So we split the offer and had 2 pairs of boots for 1’s price! (y)
And as we were shopping oh so joyfully, we discovered a SALE!! WOOO!! On SHOES!! WOO!! FROM BIANCO!! WOOOO!!! So we split the offer and had 2 pairs of boots for 1’s price! (y)
Today’s outfit will be up sometime in a near future!
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