Dec 22, 2010

Dec. 22nd 2010

Ah, it looks like I should update once again. sorry for being to bad at remembering this, but it seems like I've been having too much to think about.

December has been a very  busy month as usual.
The first weekend, Friday the school had a Christmas party, which was nice, minus a incident involving a classmate of mine and a guy I was talking to almost getting into a fight. stupid boys. nothing happened though and the evening ended well. I was, by the way, wearing a homemade santa-girl dress!
Saturday was the day for the annual IB christmas lunch which the IB Social Comity (IBSC) was responsible for. As the newly elected president WOOP (I was the only one running for the title, so it wasn't much of a victory) I had to take care of the kitchen as the person in charge of that decided to be an HOUR late. without telling us beforehand. when that was done, I went and got shitfaced! ;3
Sunday: we had a Christmas get-together at my dad's place as we have every year. of course this meant that I had to make a dress for my sister as well. I myself reused the one from friday.
it was a very nice day, even if I started it with something that could resemble a smaller hangover, haha.
I forgot to set a new record in eating 'Æbleskiver', which was a shame, as I had eaten 13 before I forgot and I only needed 6 more to reach the 19 which would have been a victory in that area. too bad. I'll see if I can get around to do it next year.

Saturday's and Sunday's outfits:

new next week flew away with homework and other stuff related to school.

Last weekend, 3 weekend in December was a weekend at home spent with family and friends.
Friday, family lunch With Dad, Anne and I, joined by Marianne and her family.
I took a lot of nice pictures of my step-niece, she's a real cutie:

Saturday Hava visited me, love love love! guy's choice awards with Bailey and stuff :D
Emilie visited me Sunday. it was really nice seeing her again. heart u darling! 

Monday I was sick. very sick urgh. not cool at all. so I was in bed all day, missing Maya's last day in School and other important stuff like that.

Tuesday: Christmas show at school and BlazBlue gaming with Sascha! I wanna play more! 

'Till next time!


  1. Det er så dejligt når du poster noget, så ved jeg at du er i live :D iiiih <3 ;)

    Elsker dine to outfits XD og elsker nok lige det første billede, du er like "håå håå her kommer jeg med mine lange ben og med en ØL!"

    Aaawwwiee elsker billederne af din niece thihi de er virkelig gode.

    Håber at du får en dejlig jul skatte, Love you <3

  2. kæft du gør dejlig meget ud af julen x'D elsk på det, du ser ud til at more dig på det første billede ~ øl i hånden is so nomnom ~

    og nurh på baby! x'D han ligner lidt mig når jeg lige har puttet kagen ind i ovnen og står med opvask hvor der er chokoladedej over det hele <3
    Men håber du har det bedre efter i mandags :b GOD JUL * A*
